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Thursday, December 1, 2011

4,900 of our closest friends and Spongebob...

Thanksgiving this was celebrated a little but different than years past. A few years ago as Mark and his sisters started families of their own his parents said "no more big family vacations. Instead, we will take each individual family on their own vacation one time. You can choose where you want to go and when you want to go with the exception of backpacking through Europe." or something along those lines was said. Annie and Ben (along with Jack at the time) decided to take a Hawaiian cruise that next year. Sarah and her family went to Disney World last summer. We had always promised Kai that when she turned 8 we would all go to Disney World for our vacation. However, Tutu (Mark's mom) called us from Disney World last summer and said for us to pick some place else to go because Kai wouldn't have much fun at Disney since she is terrified of rides. So we decided to let Kai decide where she wanted to go for our trip since her place had been ruled out. Kai saw a commercial on the tv and decided that our family should go on a Nickelodeon cruise. I thought Thanksgiving would be the perfect time since she is out of school and Mark's office is closed for half the week. So thats what we did. We went on a Thanksgiving cruise with 4900 people and Spongebob Squarepants. Good food was eaten. Beautiful beaches were played on. Swimming was done. The Blue Man group was seen. un times were had by all.


Claire said...

SO cool :D. Good pictures too! You all look nice and relaxed.

Brett and Liz Stephens said...

That sounds like fun! I wonder if she wants to take her nieces on a vacation too.