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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Question for me?

I got a call yesterday from my mom asking me a rather odd question. It seems her and my favorite Aunt Suzan were debating on which one of them knows me best. The question posed to me was if I had a choice of living back in Corsicana and having Mark home more would I trade that for the big house, better job for Mark, and financial stability if he is gone 60-70% of the time? My mom in all her wisdom said I would chose the financial stability and my dear aunt said I would trade it for having my hubby home. The winner mom! Though I would LOVE having Mark home more I like having the stability more. I know some people might think I am crazy but until you have grown up dirt poor like we did then don't judge. I like the fact that my children do not have to worry about the simple things that should just be a given to them. For example, not having to worry about the electricity going out for non-payment, car getting reposed while they play outside, or having to worry about buying medicine or food. Don't get me wrong, my parents are AWESOME and I am forever grateful for everything that they have done for me but I did learn from those experiences that financial stability is very important to me.

1 comment:

keila said...
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