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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Conference Reflections

Twice a year members of our Church are privileged to hear from the leaders of our Church for guidance and a little bit of self reflection. Conference is usually hard to sit down and watch in it's entirety with our two kids running around so we usually record it and then snuggle in and watch it when they are asleep. However, this year was a little bit different. We actually got to watch the morning sessions together as a family. I'm glad that got to happen because one of my favorite talks this Conference was in the Saturday morning session. The talk was given by a member of the Primary General Presidency. She spoke so eloquently to parents urging them to make sure that their children really UNDERSTAND what you are teaching them, particularly about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This really struck me because I had never even thought about that. I teach my children like I have been commanded to do but have never really thought to myself if they are truly understanding what I am teaching them. Since hearing that talk given it has made me more aware to ask my children, especially Kai, if they understand what we are teaching them and why they must do certain things. Conference is supposed to make you feel good and is supposed to give you the spiritual food that you so crave. I love listening to our beloved Prophet and all the Church leaders twice a year so that I can heed their council and try to improve myself. I was truly spiritually fed this year.

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

Thanks Diana! I loved that talk too.